Builder – Developer – Real Estate Signs

Wingfield has served numerous builders, developers and realtors in the Dallas / Fort Worth area with its site and real estate signs. This category of signs includes the following products:

  • Corrugated Plastic Panels
    • Also known as Coroplast signs, this sign type is an economical alternative to promote your real estate company or property. Wingfield can screen print large orders or customize these signs with vinyl graphics and digital prints.
  • Yard or Realtor Signs
    • These signs are normally made of an aluminum panel mounted on a steel wraparound frame or a stake frame. These signs are a step up from corrugated plastic signs due to its improved durability and sturdiness. Wingfield can customize these designs by incorporating vinyl or digital printing technology (i.e., full color pictures). This will set your sign apart from the typical 1 or 2 color signs that are more commonly used.
  • MDO
    • Marine Density Overlaid (MDO) plywood panels with a pressure treated wood frame are the standard choice of builders and developers to promote larger than average real estate properties. These commercial and construction signs are made of extremely durable marine grade plywood with vinyl or digitally printed graphics. Wingfield has an experienced staff that can help you with the concept and design of your sign as well as a fully equipped wood shop that builds MDO signs following strict quality control standards. Wingfield is also equipped to handle the installation of these signs.
  •  Custom Main ID / Model Home / Monument signs
    • Custom ID signs are exterior signs used to identify real estate properties including apartment complexes, gated communities, commercial buildings, etc. These signs can take several shapes including monument signs, dimensional lettering, directory signs, etc. The Wingfield team has years of in-depth experience building these types of signs. This allows us to offer you the best options of materials and designs available so you can effectively promote or embellish your property staying at or below your budget.

 Industries that benefit from this type of signs

  • Architectural firms
  • Construction firms
  • Realtors / Real Estate agents and brokers
  • Property management companies
  • Apartment complexes
  • General contractors
  • Hotels / Lodging

Sign Purposes

  • To advertise the architect or construction company’s work on the site
  • To identify an area or construction along with functioning as the building/location landmark
  • To advertise a real estate sale, lease or open house
  • Property management companies
  • To list the features such as pricing, square footage, and amenities of the real estate property
  • To use as a directional sign to guide drivers towards the site location